ANEFS is being managed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, validly constituted, where in annual meetings all the ANEFS members can deliberate and make agreements as a maximum organ of expression about the social will.
The BOARDS OF DIRECTOR is the ruler organ which manage and represent all the association with the ANEFS Statutes and general policy fixed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.
The BOARDS OF DIRECTOR has the capacity and competences to manage all the actions that can allow the association to reach the objectives. It is formed at least for 10 members, which manage every ANEFS areas with the objective to develop all the activities.
- Meetings control, virtual memories and records.
- Giving complied to the agreements of the General Assembly.
- Functional administrative responsible of the association.
- Cooperate with the Presidency and Vice-presidency.
- Organize and manage all the budgets, balances and account books.
- Manage and control of all the incomes and expenses.
- Coordinate with Presidency budget assignations for giving services and activities.
- Coordinate CENEIFS operation, with the Educational Area responsible and the Director of the Study Center.
- Maximize the relations with the political estates, organizations and sportive institutions.
- Collaborate with Presidency publishing and promulgating ANEFS image.
- Collaborate with all the ANEFS areas.
- Attending, supervising and managing all the ANEFS legal system.
- Knowing, controlling and ensuring all the ANEFS activities, trying to make it in a legal existing point.
- Collaborate with the Labor Area in all the information actions related to the legal area.
Managing all the anefs.es and ceneifs.es contents, including news and documents.
Designing and developing marketing and communication actions whit the main objective to develope the ANEFS brand and activities.
Technical supervising and developing about all the social media Anefs channels.
Technical administration, managing and maintenance of all the elements and services of the website anefs.es and ceneifs.es.
Designing and developing projects for improving education and training to all the futsal coaches around the world.
CENEIFS main responsible.
Developing educational plans in two ways: online courses and events. These plans include all the ANEFS activities like Conferences, meetings, training sessions, congress and more.
Developing educational plans adapted to all the countries and requirements.
- Design, organize and develop in collaboration with Anefs members technical events as clinics, conferences, masterclass, video sessions, meetings and more.
Design, organize and develop in collaboration with Anefs members the Technical Copa España Conferences, annual event.
- Design, organize and develop in collaboration with Anefs members the ANEFS annual Congress.
Attend all the questions and requirements make it for the coaches related to professional or amateurs futsal careers.
- Managing and promoting a job exchange area which clubs and coaches can find one each other.
Promoting helping elements to improve the relationship contractual betweeb clubs and coaches.
Creating and developing actions which allow to export ANEFS brand to around the world.
Coordinate with Presidency the organization and execution of the international events.
Developing and executing educational and collaboration plans in every country that have needs.
Legal representation of Anefs, managing and executing all the agreements make it for the General Assembly.
Coordination and supervising all the development of the ANEFS activities in every area.
Developing all the activities which allow to reach the ANEFS objectives.
Anefs Secreatry: anefs@anefs.es
Marketing and communication Area: comunicaciones@anefs.es
Educational Area: formacion@anefs.es
Technical Area: tecnica@anefs.es
Labor Area: laboral@anefs.es
International Area: internacional@anefs.es
Presidency: pacocachinero@anefs.es