Learning the tactical components of the game Course

Course General Information
The online course that just started called “Learning tactical components of the game and their application to training” is intended to help students learn and master the tactical elements of the futsal and it’s conceptual and practical application to work in training.
No doubt that futsal, like any other sport, is packed with tactical elements, but knowledge of these tactical game elements allow the coach to adjust and assist the team’s practical application, to obtain the best performance from his players.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to master the concepts of tactical offensive and defensive play, and how to apply them to the development of training tasks.
To take advantage of this course we recommend an approximate dedication of:
- 5 hours of theory
- 4 hours of practical
The course is structured in different blocks of content, so as to allow the student’s progression in knowledge and mastery of the elements provided.
After each block , the student must take the test corresponding to each block assessment and send it to the teacher to mark the contents learned.
BLOCK 1- Basics of Technical , Tactical and Strategy
BLOCK 2 – Different types of Tactic
BLOCK 3 – Components of tactical game
BLOCK 4 – Tactical defensive means
BLOCK 5 – Tactical offensive means
BLOCK 6 – Defensive tactical procedures
BLOCK 7- Offensive tactical procedures
Furthermore, the student could communicate with the tutor in a personal way for any doubt about the information related to the course through sending an e-mail.
Tutor info:
If you have any questions please write an e-mail to your tutor and they will gladly respond.
Mr. Paco Cachinero
Twitter: @PacoCachinero
Course development
– The course DOES NOT REQUIRE ATTENDANCE and is totally ON-LINE through our formation platform via web. The pupil will be able to access the documents of the different subjects, as well as support, advice and supervision of the allocated tutor, relying at all time on his collaboration to advice you and guide you along the course.
– The pupil can download the notes and documents from the platform via web, and, once each unit or subject has been studied, he/she will carry out the evaluation test which can be found either directly on the notes of the chapter or in the subject’s folder in the website (Note: not all the courses implied an evaluation. If you have any doubt contact with the tutor).
– The answers to the exercises have to be sent via e-mail to the corresponding teacher for their evaluation.
– Any doubts about the subjects or the course may be sent directly to each tutor.
– The doubts referring to the organisation of the course or the platform will have to be sent to formacion@anefs.es
– Once all the tests have been passed in all subjects, the pupil will receive from the Formation Area of ANEFS an accredited certification upon satisfactory completion of the course.
Course schedule
You can enroll with the course during all the year but in holidays periods maybe the tutor can not reply your questions or exercises, please note that.
Payment method and prices
Every student, interested in enroll in the “Learning tactical components of the game and their application to training” course, must buy the course through our online platform clicking the button on the left, then after the payment the student will immediately receive the course access.
Course price is:
– ANEFS Members –> 25€
– Non-members –> 35€
Become an ANEFS member and discover our benefits, because been an ANEFS member has an award.
Credit or debit card: ANEFS uses a secure platform called STRIPE.
You can obtain more info about STRIPE here: https://stripe.com
Interest information
Of Interest
This course is not officially academic and are also not valid at a UEFA level or any country federation.
Nevertheless, if the pupil wishes to use the obtained certification for the processing of a sporting license, it is recommended to previously check the acceptance of the document at the corresponding territorial federation.
Security Information
From the current Spanish “Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos (15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre)”, we inform you that your personal information will be manage for the ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE ENTRENADORES DE FUTBOL SALA in a private file and with the only objective to communicate with the student information related to the course or ANEFS activities. Furthermore, you are accepting the use of your personal information for future ANEFS communication through e-mail or newsletters about ANEFS activities or courses.
We may use your email address to send you Service-related notices (including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail). We may also use your contact information to send you marketing messages. If you don’t want to receive these messages, you can opt out by following the instructions in the message. If you correspond with us by email, we may retain the content of your email messages, your email address and our responses.
You may review, modify or denied your personal information sending a letter to: ANEFS Apartado de correos 237 – 50080 ZARAGOZA or an e-mail to administracion@anefs.es with the subject “LOPD Private Informatio – Name and surname”.