Main members benefits
Download more than 60 videos with the best clinics, conferences, video sessions, ...
Big discounts in sportive materials, hotels, insurances and much more.
Excellent discounts in all our online educational area.
Free access to our "Jornadas Técnicas de la Copa" event (3 completely days full of activities).
Exclusive access to our Annual National Congress only for futsal coaches (3 completely days full of activities).
Access with discounts in all the educational area activities promoting futsal concepts around the world (one-day conferences, clinics, technical sessions, ...).
Official Futsal Coaches Titles with important discounts through our educational center CENEIFS.
Legal information related to all the professional aspects of coach life.
Free access to the Labor Area and all the contents.
Access to the ANEFS YouTube channel with a lot of futsal videos and conferences.
Legal advise through our partner ILEX ABOGADOS.
Exclusive discounts and benefits in all our partners.
Read here the agreement (only Spanish language):
> Mira aquí el acuerdo completo

Read here the agreement (only Spanish language):
> Mira aquí el acuerdo completo

Free access to the regular season matches in 1a y 2a división organized for the LNFS.
Read here the agreement (only Spanish language):
> Mira aquí el acuerdo

- 3% additional discount in big sells.

- 30% discount in all the "Solo Porteros" brand products, US360 (urban wearing) y Taconni (equipments).
> Mira aquí todos los descuentos de

> Read here the agreement (only Spanish language): más información clicar aquí.

> Read here the agreement (only Spanish language): más información clicar aquí.

- Personalized futsal board model ANEFS por 60€ + 19€ shipment costs.
> Read here the agreement (only Spanish language): Más información clicar aquí.

- 10% month discount to all the ANEFS members.
> Read here the agreement (only Spanish language): Más información clicar aquí.
More information ANEFS member
Payment methods and subscription process
If you want to become an ANEFS member you need to fill our form clicking here.
The price is 50€ per year and you can pay it through our online secure payment method (more info in STRIPE.COM) with your credit or debit card.
If you have any doubt please contact with us.
Renewal process
All the annual member renewal are automatically managed through and the money will be charged directly to your card. You will received an email 30 days before your members will expire.
Unsubscription process
If you are an ANEFS member and want to end or unsubscribe your membership please let us know trough email: and we will help you anytime.
Security Information
From the current Spanish "Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos (15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre)", we inform you that your personal information will be manage for the ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE ENTRENADORES DE FUTBOL SALA in a private file and with the only objective to communicate with the student information related to the course or ANEFS activities. Furthermore, you are accepting the use of your personal information for future ANEFS communication through e-mail or newsletters about ANEFS activities or courses.
We may use your email address to send you Service-related notices (including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail). We may also use your contact information to send you marketing messages. If you don’t want to receive these messages, you can opt out by following the instructions in the message. If you correspond with us by email, we may retain the content of your email messages, your email address and our responses.
You may review, modify or denied your personal information sending a letter to: ANEFS Apartado de correos 237 - 50080 ZARAGOZA or an e-mail to with the subject "LOPD Private Informatio - Name and surname".
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